We always stand ready and we thank you
As we all continue to change our daily routines to follow the latest guidelines, we find ourselves doing what Americans do best: ADAPT!

Now we carry a mask, hand sanitizer, gloves, and many other items we weren’t concerned with carrying at the beginning of the year
Homes are still a very necessary part of our lives and people are still moving to the greatest state in the union as fast as they can get here. We do a great number of inspections for “out of towners” and welcome them to life in Texas with a fresh start in a new home. We work with our Realtor family to make sure our part of the buying experience is the best it can be with the least amount of stress possible. We enjoy sharing our knowledge of homes with our customers as needed to help them understand how to maintain their new homes and answer any questions they may have. There is nothing better than being a positive part of a family’s journey to a new home and we appreciate everyone who trusts us with that opportunity.
As 2020 continues to unfold for each of us in different ways, we’d like to thank those that have trusted us with their home inspection needs and look forward to all the new families we have yet to meet. From our families to yours, be safe, be happy, and keep your dreams alive.